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ஒருவருக்கொருவர் சண்டையிடுவதற்குப் பதிலாக, உலகில் கனடாவும் அமெரிக்காவும் எமது நாடுகளை செல்வந்த நிலைக்கும், வெற்றிகரமாகவும் மாற்ற வேலை செய்ய வேண்டும்.


ஒன்ராறியோ பிரதமர் டக் ஃபோர்டு அமெரிக்காவின் செனட்டர்கள், காங்கிரஸ் உறுப்பினர்கள் மற்றும் ஆளுநர்களை வலியுறுத்துகிறார்

Instead of fighting each other, Canada and United States should be working to make our Countries the richest, successful and more secure on this planet

Ontario Premier Doug Ford urges United States Senators, Congress people and Governors

As Premier, it’s my number one job to stand up for and protect the people of Ontario.  This is not a responsibility I take lightly. 

Earlier today, President Donald Trump imposed unfair, unjustified and illegal tariffs on  Canada. The markets are already in steep decline only hours after the tariff  announcement, factory floors and assembly plants across America will start to close,  putting countless Americans out of work. Prices are going to increase for hard-working  American families, making Americans poorer. 

I’ve always said, Canada and Ontario will never start a trade or tariff war with the United  States. President Trump has left us no choice but to respond. 

Ontario alone powers 1.5 million homes and businesses every year. If these tariffs persist  or if the Trump administration moves forward with any additional tariffs, Ontario will  apply a 25 per cent surcharge on the electricity we export to New York, Michigan  and Minnesota. I won’t hesitate to increase this surcharge or, if necessary, shut the  electricity off completely. 

This surcharge would be in addition to actions Canadian governments are already taking.  The Government of Canada earlier today imposed an initial round of $30 billion in  retaliatory tariffs and is preparing another $125 billion in additional tariffs. Ontario’s  alcohol agency, the largest buyer of alcohol in the world, is removing all U.S. products  from its shelves, costing American producers $1 billion in lost revenue. We’ve banned all  U.S. companies from participating in $30 billion in annual government procurement. 

Ontario and Canada are America’s largest customer and export destination.  Unfortunately, we have been left with no choice but to respond with our own tariffs and  charges that will make life more expensive for Americans at a time when the cost of  living is at an all-time high. 

Instead of fighting each other, we should be working together to make Canada and the  United States the richest, most successful, safest and most secure two countries on the  planet. I hope you join me in advocating for a stronger, more united future by removing  tariffs from Canada. 


Doug Ford
Premier of Ontario